Saturday, July 25, 2009

hundara.2008 Said

1. Why is communication a process?
2. Describe Briefly how messages can be passed between the parties involved in a communication process.
3. Why is interpretation Necessary in the communication process?

1. because communication, is not a single,is ongoing, it begins when two or more parties(sender and receiver),is irreversible,one the being, it can't go back to its beginning and start all over.

2.Message can be passed the parties,because:
- signals sent with the intent of creating understanding in the receiver.
- We send written transmission through a wide variety of communication channel: letters, faxes,newspapers, magazine etc.
- We send aural messages through telephone,radio,and various type of musical devices.
- Some even communicate through the use of drums, flags, fireworks, mirror flashes, waggling airplane wings,and firing shots across the bow.

3. Because communication, misunderstanding is always a possibility in communicate.

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